all postcodes in L39 / ORMSKIRK

find any address or company within the L39 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L39 6RA 12 0 53.541838 -2.902806
L39 6RB 12 0 53.542603 -2.902701
L39 6RD 41 0 53.543521 -2.898948
L39 6RE 37 0 53.542447 -2.900767
L39 6RF 36 0 53.543437 -2.900591
L39 6RG 31 1 53.54174 -2.90389
L39 6RH 30 0 53.542657 -2.903895
L39 6RJ 19 0 53.541453 -2.904971
L39 6RL 5 0 53.541097 -2.903135
L39 6RN 47 0 53.543541 -2.896308
L39 6RP 28 0 53.541595 -2.902831
L39 6RR 25 0 53.543779 -2.895769
L39 6RS 12 0 53.540909 -2.89254
L39 6RT 4 0 53.541605 -2.889627
L39 6RU 15 0 53.5421 -2.895508
L39 6RW 22 0 53.543111 -2.896178
L39 6RX 3 0 53.544746 -2.91882
L39 6RY 42 0 53.54161 -2.894939
L39 6RZ 22 0 53.541302 -2.894057
L39 6SA 14 1 53.542934 -2.920561